Medication Management

If it is in your best interest, Dr. Mesrie will discuss psychopharmacology as part of your treatment plan. She will review medication options, their uses, and their side effects. Medication will be given for a trial period to see if it is effective and monitored over a course of time to determine if the medication is helping you. 

Dr. Mesrie’s medication management services are tailored to your individual needs and she ensures that the medications you are taking are properly managed, taking into consideration various aspects of your overall health. She will support you in the process of adjusting to a new regimen and address all of your questions and concerns that arise throughout. 


Follow up appointments for medication management during earlier stages of treatment might occur more frequently, such as every 1-2 weeks, however once you feel comfortable with your medication and dose, the frequency can be decreased to every 1-3 months. The duration of follow-up visits for medication management varies depending on the stage of treatment; 20 minutes for quicker check-ins and up to 45 minutes for more complex cases. Medication needs may also change over time.

Holistic Treatment

Dr. Mesrie will also provide both in-depth and action-oriented psychotherapy. If you are already working with a therapist, she will collaborate closely with them - as well as any other important physicians that are a part of your treatment team - to ensure that everyone is aligned about your treatment and you are making progress toward your goals.

Benefits of Medication

The decision to take medication is unique to each individual and not for everyone however psychopharmaology offer several benefits to patients.

  • Improved Treatment Outcomes

    Medication management services can help patients achieve better treatment outcomes by ensuring that they take their medications correctly and regularly. These services can prevent medication errors such as missed doses, incorrect dosages, and drug interactions. Moreover, medication management services can help patients manage side effects, promote adherence to treatment plans, and reduce the risk of adverse events.

  • Enhanced Patient Safety

    Medication management services can improve patient safety by reducing the risk of medication-related errors, such as prescription errors and medication misuse. These services can also help identify potential drug interactions and contraindications, which may reduce the likelihood of adverse drug reactions or hospital readmissions. Medication management services also provide valuable education and support to patients and families, as well as monitor medication use and adherence.

  • Cost Savings

    Medication management services can yield cost savings for patients, healthcare providers, and insurers. These services help reduce healthcare utilization and costs associated with medication-related problems, such as hospitalizations, emergency department visits, and long-term care. Medication management services can help optimize medication usage, which may reduce the need for additional medications or interventions. Finally, medication management services can help improve patient outcomes and quality of life, which may result in long-term cost savings.

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