
While medication can have an important role in recovery, Dr. Mesrie believes that lasting change takes place through psychotherapy. Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, is an effective form of treatment for emotional and mental health issues and involves working with a trained therapist on a regular cadence to explore and manage these issues.

Integrated Approach

Dr. Mesrie’s humanistic approach is influenced by multiple evidenced-based modalities including psychodynamic psychotherapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), interpersonal therapy (IPT), and more. Dr. Mesrie will intuitively weave them together to develop an integrative plan that will impact positive life changes. She will refine your understanding of your life narrative, your family relationships, build on your strengths, and develop your sense of creativity. Together you will work toward coming to terms with all the different parts of yourself. Dr. Mesrie will also do work with mindfulness and look closely at your lifestyle choices. 

Benefits of Psychotherapy

  • Improved relationships

    By learning to communicate more effectively, gaining insight into behavioral patterns, and utilizing tactics to resolve conflicts in a healthy way, psychotherapy can lead to stronger, more fulfilling, and more meaningful relationships.

  • Reduced Symptoms of Mental Illness

    Psychotherapy has been shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Therapy not only  provides coping mechanisms for dealing with symptoms, but also helps to identify triggers and work to prevent or manage them.

  • Increased self awareness

    Psychotherapy helps individuals gain a better understanding of themselves and their behaviors. Through therapy, individuals can explore their past experiences and understand how they may be impacting their present day behavior. With these insights, individuals can work on making positive changes in their live and gain increased confidence, self-esteem, and overall life satisfaction.

Ready to begin?